(modifié de Coste, Flore de la France 1937) :
Plante annuelle de 5-25 cm, pubescente, couchée-étalée
Écologie : (répartition d'après la flore) Lieux secs et sablonneux, çà et là dans presque toute la France.
Répartition hors de France : Presque toute l'Europe ; Asie occidentale ; Afrique septentrionale
(modified from Butcher, British Flora 1961):
NOTE: the French text is more complete and up-to-date
A slender, slightly hairy annual with numerous procumbent, little-branched stems 5-15 cm long, growing from a central rootstock.
Ecology UK: (distribution according to flora) It is an uncommon plant of dry, grassy places, scattered throughout lowland England, Wales and southern Scotland, particularly on a sandy soil
Distribution outside France: ?
Fleurs : violettes, petites (6-7 mm) solitaires, subsessiles ; calice poilu, à dents égales, un peu plus courtes que le tube ; style court
Floraison France : Avril-juin
Flowers: 5-7 mm long, solitary and sessile in the axils of the upper leaves; calyx cylindrical, teeth equal, nearly as long as the tube; petals purple and red, sides of standard erect; style hairy all over.
Flowering UK: Mid April-mid June.